CO-POWER event: Community energy across Europe: potential and successful results
16 March 2016, Brussels, Belgium
Community Energy Fortnight 2015
5-20 September 2015, UK
CO-POWER event: Community energy across Europe: opportunities and challenges
17 June 2015, Brussels, Belgium
Growing a sustainable EU economy through SMEs: Boosting jobs, growth and entrepreneurship
27 May, 2015, Brussels, Belgium
Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Denmark
20 May 2015, Aalborg, Denmark
Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Czech Republic
12 May 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Interconnections for a Sustainable Energy System: How can Europe and the United States make their energy infrastructure fit for the future?
7 May 2015, Brussels, Belgium
All-Energy 2015
6-7 May 2015, Glasgow, UK
Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Hungary
5 May 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Presentations (Hungarian, English)
Low Carbon Heat Conference 2015
28 April 2015, Perth, UK
Engaging communities in SEAPs´ implementation Mayors in Action - Webinar Series
27 April 2015, 11:00-12:30, Webinar
Energy Cities' Annual Conference
22-24 April 2015, Aberdeen, UK
Community power: myths and facts
21 April 2015, Brussels, Belgium
A new energy paradigm for the next regional legislation period in Spain
9 April 2015, Madrid, Spain
Opportunities to implement community renewable energy projects through the planning system
30 March 2015, London, UK
Fostering social acceptance of renewable energy projects - Policy recommendations
26 March 2015, Brussels, Belgium
Energy Union and its Impact on European Citizens
18 March 2015, Brussels, Belgium
CARES Conference 2015: Energising Scotland’s Communities
17-18 March 2015, Stirling, UK
3rd BESTGRID Workshop on "Good practice exchange"
26 February 2015, London, UK
Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Spain
5 February 2015, Madrid, Spain (Download the presentations)
4th European Grid Conference on Energy and Democracy
27 January 2015, Brussels, Belgium
2nd national meeting for a new energy model
17 January 2015, Media Lab Prado, Madrid, Spain
‘Windfall Island’ Screening
16 December 2014, Glasgow, UK
For more information, please contact
REScoop 20-20-20 Open information workshop
13 December 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
16th Breakfast at Sustainability's
25 November 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Community-energy – Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out
20 November 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Community-energy: empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Scotland
25 September 2014, Edinburgh, UK
Community energy: accelerating sustainable energy roll-out in Europe
25 June 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Joint CO-POWER and RESCOOP202020 newsletter
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