Spanish Coalition
The Spanish coalition "Plataforma por Nuevo Modelo Energético" was built in response to the actions of the Governement on renewable energy generation in Spain. It is formed by more than 300 organisations, regions, renewable energy companies, cooperatives and cities, but also by citizens. Since its inception two years ago the coalition has grown massively and now counts with local nodes in most of the provinces. It is indeed very active in any front pushing for renewables and public ownership: advocacy, legal monitoring and public awareness. Its work throughout these years has achieved for instance a turnover of public opinion on renewables and several legal victories.
If your organisation is interested in joining the Spanish Coalition, please contact:
Friends of the Earth Spain
Contact: Alejandro González
Phone: +34 652 801 832
Check the website of "Plataforma por Nuevo Modelo Energético" (in Spanish)
Manifesto of the "Plataforma por Nuevo Modelo Energético"
Members of the "Plataforma por Nuevo Modelo Energético" (the coalition has more than 3,000 members)